Get Back On Track

Helping You To Get Your Best Long-Term Results After WLS

Hi, it’s Amber Kay here, co-author of 'Get Back On Track After Your WLS' and co-founder of The Fresh Start Program, where we help you to get your best long-term results after your WLS. I'm writing to invite you to our new Get Back On Track Program.

Have you ever had any of these challenges?

  • Have you ever seen all these people creating real transformation after their WLS and you think how do I do that?

  • Have you ever struggled to master your mind - and you find that you’re constantly doubting whether you can do this?

  • Maybe you’re feeling that your health is starting to get away from you again? 

  • Have you noticed that some of your old cravings and eating patterns that you had before WLS are starting to come back?

  • Have you ever felt really scared that you’re going to go back to where you started?

  • Have you ever felt really alone on this journey and are looking for more support?

  • Have you ever felt that your motivation to create change is slipping away or you're still motivated but you just don’t know what the right steps are to take to keep your weight loss going?

Well those are some of the topics that we talk about on our new Get Back On Track Program. 


Why should you listen to us?

Have we always got our health and weight absolutely sorted?

Absolutely not. You know what, we’ve been working in the health field for many years, and when we started we were doing what everyone else was doing - we were focusing on what to eat, and how to exercise.

We quickly realised however that what we were teaching was not enough - because we generally all know roughly what to do. We all know that if we cut back on processed snacks and treats, eat more healthy foods and up our vegetables and do more exercise then we’ll improve our health and weight.

The problem however is that knowing what to do and actually doing it are very different.

I know this first hand. My husband Alex and co-founder of Fresh Start grew up as an overweight kid and struggled with his weight for many years. He then became a personal trainer and even then he struggled. He would always be focusing on what to eat and doing lots of hard exercise workouts - but he also battled emotional eating. He would come home exhausted from work and then binge eat on certain foods even though he certainly knew it wasn’t the ‘healthy’ thing to do. He’d then punish himself with lots of exercise to try and make up for his overeating. And then he’d be exhausted and start all over again. His body was breaking down and he was a mess.

This is when we both started getting into holistic health. Alex did a Masters of Health and Nutrition Education and as well as really learning about the importance of nutrient-dense wholefoods, he really learned about the power of balancing your exercise routine with your stress levels and the importance of good sleep and stress reduction and how this is fundamental for controlling your appetite, weight and health.

What really made the difference though was when we both studied coaching - and we learned about the power of the right mindset.

We learned about the importance of goal setting and planning.

We learned about how many of our behaviours, including eating, are linked to us trying to meet some basic human needs such as our need to feel safety or comfort, our need to have some variety and to avoid boredom and our need to connect with ourselves and others and how to meet those needs in more resourceful ways that don’t involve food.

We learned about how to break unsupportive habits and how to create healthy daily habits and we learned most importantly about the power of limiting beliefs and how to change our beliefs so that they are more supportive of our success.  

It doesn’t matter if you know you should be exercising more and eating more healthy foods if you’re exhausted because you’ve got kids to look after, or a super busy career or both, or when you’ve got powerful cravings and destructive habits that are stopping you from making the right choices.

It doesn’t matter if you know what to do if deep down you have a belief that you’re lazy or you don’t have time or that it's selfish to look after yourself or make time for yourself or that you have a slow metabolism or that you’re not worthy of good health. 

We learned that the actual mechanics of getting healthy - what to eat and how to exercise are only about 20% of the equation. It’s the mindset that’s the 80% and when you focus on that, then that’s when you get the results. We both focus on this and we’ve seen our health transform.

We’re both in our late 40’s and we’re in great health for our age and, when you work on the mindset first, it’s really easy compared to the way it used to be.

This is especially true if you’ve had weight loss surgery.



You must focus on your mindset if you've had WLS 

Weight loss surgery is a powerful tool that can break unsupportive habits and also reduce physical hunger. It’s stomach surgery though - it’s not brain surgery.

WLS doesn’t change the way you see yourself, it doesn’t change the way you talk to yourself.

WLS doesn’t give you more time in your day.

WLS can reduce physical hunger but it doesn’t necessarily take away the cravings or the emotional hunger - where you want to eat to change the way you are feeling.

So it’s really really important to start with the mindset first rather than just trying to push through with more will-power. We know first-hand that this simply doesn’t work long-term and we’re passionate about sharing what we’ve learned - because it really doesn’t have to be such a struggle.

We’ve now been coaching in the WLS field for over 10 years, since 2010 and we’ve helped thousands of people to create the results that they want and to overcome that struggle.


Get Back On Track Program - Helping you to get your best long-term results after WLS

Here’s what you can invest in today. It’s our program called Get Back On Track. It’s a program that teaches you how to create the mindset and lifestyle to help you to turn things around and get the best long-term results after your WLS.

It’s a 5-week program that will teach you exactly what to do to turn your results around if you're struggling. 

No matter what kind of bariatric surgery you have had, this is going to teach you how you get your mindset and lifestyle conspiring for your success and to get back on track. 



Here’s why it’s great for you

You’re no longer going to have to hunt all around to figure this out because I bet you’ve gone from website to website or program to program or course to course going 'I don’t know exactly what to do'.

Well the benefit is, we’re just going to save you time. You’re going to know exactly what to do.

We’re going to help you get clear on exactly what you want and why you want it so that you have clarity and motivation to take action.

We’re going to help you identify the limiting beliefs that have been getting in your way and show you how to change them so that your mindset is more supportive of your success.

We’re going to teach you the simple, effective lifestyle strategies that will help you get the results that you want and break it down into simple steps that will work for you so that you can immediately start to turn your results around.

We’re also going to give you access to a community of people who know what you're going through, so that you can feel supported on this journey. 


Why this is different

Now that you know what you’re getting and why it’s good for you, let me share with you how this is different. This is different because most health programs don’t cover the mindset of success, they just focus on the actions.

This is different because most health professionals just tell you what to do rather than coach you about what’s going to work for your individual life.

This is different because it’s not about being more disciplined or using more will-power, it’s about being smarter and going easier on yourself.

This is different because it’s not about deprivation where you’re never allowed any treats or indulgences, it’s about a sustainable balance where you enjoy life too.

This is different because we truly understand WLS from years and years of experience and from listening to our community and what they want help with.

This is different because it’s not about making you feel judged, or bad or guilty - we truly care about you, really want you to succeed and have your back. 

Usually, to work 1:1 with me, for just a few weeks, it’s over $3500. This online course is not even a tenth of that price!

We’ve spent over 10 years putting our program together and learning from our clients about what their challenges are and how to support them to overcome those challenges and how to do that well. You could spend the 10 years yourself figuring it out or you can use this program so that you’re not going to spend all that time.

What’s it worth to save your time? You’re busy at home, you’re already busy with what you do and this is going to shorten that learning curve.


What you're going to get

As well as the online course, you’re going to get lifetime access to our private forum where you can get additional support and coaching from our team. 

You’re also going to get downloadable Mindset Conditioning Audios which include visualisations, relaxation techniques and hypnosis recordings, so that you can make mindset changes at a deeper level

You’re also going to get healthy WLS recipes every week.

You’re also going to get interviews with people who have had fantastic results and sustained them, so that you can find out exactly what they did.



You're also going to receive a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee.

If you join the program and want your money back in the first 30 days - we’ll give you all your money back, no questions asked.




Here's What Some Of Our Clients Are Saying:


"I have found the program of great assistance! I have continued to lose weight, even 18 months after surgery. So thank you. The program kept me focussed. I would certainly recommend it to others."

- Tess

"It was so good to learn how to change a habit. I had no idea how to do this before. I have always been really focused on willpower but I have learned it is not about willpower. It's about the why. So powerful."


"Thank you for the inspiration and motivation that you have given me."

- Jean

"Highly recommended to anyone out there who has had a procedure done!"

- Tas

"The program has been really helpful with insightful answers to challenges like mindful eating which was one of my biggest problems prior to my WLS."


"Your work has done me wonders and I feel that you’ve given me the right tools to stay on track and make the most of the opportunity the WLS has provided me."

- Melissa

"It's excellent. I'm now much more aware of my emotional eating triggers and I'm using a diary to identify and track my trends. My old habits were creeping back and now I'm changing my mindset. Your program is spot on. You really can’t do the operation alone without support for behavioural change."

- Ash



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