As part of your surgical package with Dr. David Martin, you will receive The Fresh Start Program. This is a comprehensive support, education and coaching program delivered before and after your surgery / procedure to assist you to create your new healthy lifestyle.
Weight loss procedures areĀ designed toĀ help you manage your weight, and most patients can expect a significant weight reduction. In order to sustain your results for the long-term however, you must also complement your surgery with necessary mindset and lifestyle changes.
The Fresh Start Program is a comprehensive 2-year support, education and coaching program delivered before and after your surgery. With a wide range of program elements and resources, it's specifically designed to enhance your surgical experience, and to help you to to create and sustain your new healthy lifestyle.
It is designed and run by an experienced, qualified and professional coaching team, and it will help you toĀ achieve the weight, lifestyle and health results that you desire and deserve!
1-hr Private Coaching Session (phone) to assist you to get clarity and motivation towards your health and weight loss goals and, importantly, to help you move past any obstacles that are currently getting in your way;
Regular Stay On Track Webinars with access to optional breakout discussion rooms, to keep you motivated and inspired and to assist you to make the most of your post-surgical journey; and
Access to additional Coaching Support Options to provide you with ongoing coaching when you need it most.
In addition to the Coaching, you will receive:
Lifetime Membership to our Private Support Forum where you can ask questions, get additional support and personally share your experiences with fellow participants and the Fresh Start team;
Access to interview recordings with participants who have achieved their weight and health goals so that you can find out exactly what they did and model their behaviour; and
Weekday email support with a guaranteed response.
In addition to the Coaching and Support elements, you will also receive 6 months of lifestyle education resources that include:
Powerful mindset tools to assist with motivation, clearing old habits and busting old beliefs;
Nutritional education and quick, easy and delicious healthy recipes to help you make the right food choices; and
Strategies, tips and plans designed to make movement work for you, even if it hasn't in the past.
"Amber, the workshop in Sydney yesterday was so, so good. Looking over my notes from yesterday and taking action today. Thank you." Cassandra
"I just joined one of your webinars. It was amazing!!! Thank you so much!!! Very useful and inspiring with lots of positive tips!" Tess
"What really helped me achieve the new me was the support, the phone calls and email classes from Fresh Start. Supported understanding and non-judgemental help on hand. I took three foolscap pages of notes from my one on one coaching session. I have had to learn how the new man thinks and after 50 years of bad eating habits, the retraining of the mind was Fresh Start’s biggest contribution. I tried new recipes and combinations, and discovered new exercises to fit into my life style. I have interacted with the online community and found that a source of motivation, recipes, hints and helps. I think the Fresh Start program helped to cement the decision to face the change." Scott
"I'd like to thank the Fresh Start Program. This keeps time in touch with the other people who have had the surgery, and the reality of what one must do to keep achieving. Keep up the great work!" Alana
"With Fresh Start's help I was able to talk it through and recognise exactly what it was holding me back. Now I’m able to recognise my weight loss achievements and I feel confident that I’m going to achieve my goal of being healthy." Jane
"I have found the program of great assistance. The recipes and nutrition guides have helped me to keep on track, and the mindset resources and exercise tips have really got me going! I have continued to lose weight, even 18 months after surgery, and I am now able to exercise freely, and I am attending a gym and aquarobics classes 4 times a week. This I would not have considered six months ago. So thank you. The program kept me focussed. I would certainly recommend it to others." Jenny
"Many thanks for all your support . It has made a substantially good impact on my health, as I have a much better idea of what to eat and what not to eat, how to and how much exercise to do, and no doubt, quite a few other things. I have received weekly emails with exercise programmes, recipes, mind-sets, and general coaching ideas to help me along the way, as well as being able to join the fortnightly group calls where you can talk to other people in the same situation as yourself. I have also been able to send emails specifically to Amber and Alex to get any answers to any problems that I have had along the way, and with no personal/family support, this has been a very valuable addition." John
"I found the webinar very helpful. I learned the challenges will still be there but as long as we apply the provided techniques and stay focused we will be on track." Tracy
"I love the online private forum - for its great support, advice and for providing a safe space to ask questions and share each other’s journeys." Carl
"I found the webinar very interesting. It was so amazing to chat with people from all over the place and hear about their different experiences and expectations following their surgery. Steve was extremely positive and he had some very useful information to share." Sandra
"What I found helpful from the Fresh Start Program was the support I had as I negotiated the changes that were happening in my life. The coaching, the workshops and the online group all helped as my body was changing and my eating and lifestyle were adapting to this healthy new life!" Sue
"Having an expert speak to me on the phone about the mental challenges, requiring me to answer questions honestly and thoughtfully, really gave me some perspective on why this was a good thing and how I really saw the process in relation to my interactions with my family and friends. It made me stop and ponder, then take those thoughts forward with me." Julie
"I truly appreciate the follow-up calls. Hearing someone interested in my journey, delight in my successes and care about my future is something that I feel very touched by." Michelle
"Thank you for the inspiration and motivation that you have offered me over the last 2 years." Jeanette
"Just had a webinar with the super lovely man! It was amazing!!! Thank you so much!!! Very useful and inspiring with lots of positive tips! Cheers!" Tess
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