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Navigating Emotions After Weight Loss Surgery: Coping with Overwhelm, Regret, and More

Apr 02, 2024

The decision to undergo weight loss surgery is undeniably significant. It's a brave step filled with anticipation, hope, excitement, and perhaps some nerves. However, what follows in the days and weeks after surgery can bring a whole new set of emotions. It's perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed, doubtful, or even a tinge of regret during this time. Giving yourself the space to acknowledge and address these feelings is a crucial part of your journey towards improved health and well-being.


Overwhelm: Feeling the Weight of Change


Acknowledging Overwhelm: The days post-weight loss surgery can feel like a whirlwind. With new habits, dietary changes, and the evolving nature of your recovery, it's understandable to feel a bit overwhelmed.

Taking Small Steps: Rather than trying to tackle everything at once, break it down into manageable steps. Focus on following your post-surgery diet, staying hydrated, and gradually introducing light physical activity as advised by your healthcare team.

Embrace Curiosity: View this period as a chance to explore your new body and digestive system. Embracing the uncertainty of changing eating habits can be easier with a curious mindset.

Seek Support: Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Connect with support groups, either online or in-person, where you can share experiences with others who have been through similar situations. If you’re a Fresh Start Member then you’ll receive regular email invitations to join our twice-monthly webinars. These also include optional breakout rooms where you can connect with and get support from others on the same journey. Talking to understanding peers can provide a great deal of comfort and reassurance.


Regret: Wrestling with Doubts


Recognising Regret: It's not uncommon to have moments of regret or doubt after surgery. Challenges and significant lifestyle changes can make you question if you made the right choice.

Revisit Your Reasons: If you find yourself wondering if surgery was the right decision, remind yourself of the reasons you chose this path. Whether it was for health improvement, increased mobility, to have more time with your family or enhancing your quality of life, your initial motivations can anchor you during uncertain times. We explore this further in our Blog on 'How To Feel More Motivated On Your WLS Journey'.

Perspective Shift: Reflect on the fact that, given the same circumstances, you would likely make the same decision again. The challenges you're facing now are temporary and coloured by the adjustments you're going through.

Talk it Out: Don't keep these feelings bottled up. Share your emotions with trusted friends, family members, or a mental health professional. Opening up can bring clarity and relief, knowing you're not alone. If you need extra 1:1 coaching and support then we have a range of options available at Fresh Start. 


Other Emotions and Coping Strategies


Anxiety Management: It's common to feel anxious about the future post-surgery. Shifting your focus towards what you want to achieve in terms of your health and well being is also a powerful way to change your state and to feel more certain of yourself and your journey.  You can access our guided ‘Wellness Vision’ audio here. Practising relaxation techniques such as deep breathing can also help manage anxiety (you can access our ‘Relax and Revive’ guided audio here). 

Guilt or Shame: Some individuals may feel guilty about needing surgical intervention for weight loss or shame about their weight history. Remind yourself that seeking help is a positive step towards better health.

Body Image Concerns: Significant changes will occur in your body after surgery. It's natural to have mixed feelings about these changes. Focus on the positive aspects of your evolving body and remember that your worth is not defined by appearance.

Combat Loneliness: Life after weight loss surgery can feel isolating as you adjust to new dietary habits or physical changes. Stay connected with loved ones, attend support groups, or engage in online communities to combat loneliness. If you’re a Fresh Start Member then, in addition to our regular webinars,  when you’re on the post-surgery program, you will also receive invitations to join our Private Online Forum. This is a great place to connect with others in the Fresh Start community in a secure setting.

Dealing with Frustration: Progress may not always happen as quickly as you'd like, leading to feelings of frustration. Remember that weight loss is a gradual process, and setbacks are part of the journey. Celebrate small victories along the way. We explore this further in our Blog on ‘Progress Not Perfection’.

Seeking Professional Help: If overwhelming emotions persist and begin to affect your daily life, seeking professional help is recommended. A counselor, therapist, or coach can provide guidance and coping strategies to navigate post-surgery emotions. For further information read our Blog ‘Improve Your Results By Building Your Team’.


Remember, It's a Journey


Practice Patience: Healing, both physically and emotionally, takes time. Be patient with yourself and celebrate the progress, no matter how small (see our Blog on ‘Staying Motivated: Focus On Your Progress Not The Gap!’).

You're Strong: By choosing weight loss surgery, you've shown incredible strength. Surround yourself with support, stay connected to your motivations, and remember it's okay to seek assistance when needed.

You're on the path to a brighter, healthier future, and each day is an opportunity for growth and progress. Trust that your future self will thank you for making yourself, and your health and happiness a priority and that you have everything you need within you to be able to navigate what lies ahead with curiosity, courage and calm.

Do You Need Some Extra 1:1 Support To Help You Re-Set And Re-Focus After WLS?

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