Dealing with Cravings and Emotional Eating after Weight Loss Surgery
With Amber Kay
In this video blog, Amber looks at how to control cravings.
Everyone experiences cravings and gives in to them at one point or another. We all do it. And once in a while isn’t going to do any harm at all,...
Stopping Self Sabotage - Understanding Secondary Gain
With Amber Kay
In this video blog, Amber looks at why we keep on doing those things that we know we shouldn’t – those things that stop us from getting the results that we want. She then looks at how to stop these habits once and for...
Would you like to learn a simple tool that you can use to start getting better results with your health and weight?
Would you like to know what to do when life seems to be going against you and you’re heading off track?
What we want to share with you today is the power of focus, and...
You already know that exercise is incredibly important in helping you to reach and maintain your goals after WLS, but for many this is an area that they struggle with. Often we hear from our clients that they really don't enjoy it, or find it painful or embarrassing, or feel that it's something...
Do you sometimes feel that your results after WLS should be better but you’re being held back by a health issue, a slow metabolism or an injury? Perhaps things were going well but now you’re experiencing difficult events or circumstances in life, or a lack of time to take care of...
When you first have WLS, not only are you really restricted in the amount of food and liquids that you can have, but you also have to dramatically slow down the speed that you eat and drink at - no doubt you will have experienced some severe discomfort if you've ever forgotten to do...
If you ask the majority of people who have had weight loss surgery for a word or expression that a close friend or family member would use to describe them, the same words and phrases generally keep coming up: hard-working, kind, helpful, always there for others, loyal, a great mate,...